On the pursuit of the equations in the seventh grade

On the pursuit of the equations in the seventh grade

First of all, draw two line segments, one represents the pursuer, and the other represents being pursued. Focus on the given distance, time, speed, and a series of keywords, and remember that the distance is equal to time multiplied by speed. And set up equations with the given keywords. Then some basic problems will be solved

What is the calculation formula of tax and after tax interest?

Tax = principal * interest rate * tax rate
After tax interest = principal * interest rate - principal * interest rate * tax rate

The calculation formula of area and volume is expressed by letters

Square area = side length multiplied by side length, s-positive = A & # 178; rectangle area = length multiplied by width, s-long = AB; square volume = edge length & # 179, v-positive = A & # 179; rectangle volume = length multiplied by width multiplied by height, v-long = ABH, circle area = π multiplied by radius, s-circle = π R & # 178; cylinder surface area = side area + two bottom areas, s-cylinder = s-side + 2S bottom area

To find the area formula of the ring, we should also use letters
It's urgent

S-ring = π (R & # 178; - R & # 178;)

There are two formulas for the area of a ring

(1) S-ring = π (R & # 178; - R & # 178;)
(2) Let the radius of the big circle be r and the radius of the small circle be r
Then the ring area = π R & # 178; - π R & # 178; s ring = s outer ring s inner ring
=πR² - πr²
Hope to help you, thank you!

Circle area formula

You can think of a circle as a big circle and a small circle. A circle is the area from the small circle to the big circle
The area of the big circle is the radius of the big circle multiplied by the radius and then multiplied by 3.14, the radius of the small circle is the radius of the small circle multiplied by the radius of the small circle to form 3.14, and the area of the big circle reduced by the area of the circle is the area of the ring

Definition of literal expression by multiplicative distributive law

Multiplicative distributive law
Two numbers are added (or subtracted) and multiplied by another number, which is equal to multiplying the number with two addends (subtracted) respectively, and then adding (subtracting) the two products to get the same number. It is indicated by letters: (a + b) x C = AXC + bxc. There is another expression: a (B + C) = AB + AC

What is the formula of multiplicative distribution law?
Inverse operation:


A simple chemical expression!
1. Mercury + oxygen → mercuric oxide 2. Mercuric oxide → mercury + oxygen → what are they filled in respectively? Do they all write heating? Or is the first one ignited and the second heating? Write silently tomorrow!

It's all heating

What is the difference between literal expression and symbolic expression

The literal expression is the expression of chemical reaction and reaction conditions in Chinese characters, such as sulfur combustion: sulfur + oxygen → sulfur dioxide (write "ignite" above the arrow)
The symbolic expression is the chemical formula to express the chemical reaction. S + O2 → SO2 (write the word "ignite" above the arrow)
On the basis of the symbolic expression balance, the arrow to equal sign, is the chemical equation