1. The number of solutions of the equation sin π x = ¼ X is-- 2. It is known that the length of an arc on a circle with a radius of 10cm is 15cm, then the number of radians of the central angle of the circle opposite to the arc is 15cm--

1. The number of solutions of the equation sin π x = ¼ X is-- 2. It is known that the length of an arc on a circle with a radius of 10cm is 15cm, then the number of radians of the central angle of the circle opposite to the arc is 15cm--


A complete collection of mathematical function formulas in Senior High School

The reciprocal relation: quotient relation: square relation: Tan α · cot α = 1sin α · CSC α = 1cos α · sec α = 1sin α / cos α = Tan α = sec α / CSC α cos α / sin α = cot α = CSC α / sec α sin2 α + Cos2 α = 11 + tan2 α = sec2 α

What is the law f?
When learning mapping, we say that f is the mapping from set to set. In some questions, let you write the mapping. Is it the rule f? Why did the teacher talk about connecting several lines?

Let a and B be two nonempty sets, so that for any element X in set a, there is a unique element Y corresponding to it in set B. then the corresponding F: a → B is a mapping from set a to set B! (the difference from function is that the elements in B are not one-to-one corresponding in a)

A1, A2, A3. A4 is any permutation of 1234, f is a one-to-one mapping from [1234] to [1234], and satisfies FX ≠ x, the count table {A1, A2, A3, A4]
[fa1 fa2 fa3 fa4]
If at least one of the corresponding positions of the number table Mn is different, Mn is said to be a different number table?

First, f (x) has a44-a43 + a42-a41 + a40 = 9
Number table {A1 A2 A3 A4]
There are 24
I don't know the meaning of the question, right!