If (M + 1) x | m | + 2 > 0 is a linear inequality with respect to x, then the value of M is________ .

If (M + 1) x | m | + 2 > 0 is a linear inequality with respect to x, then the value of M is________ .

Because it's a linear inequality of one variable
So there has to be
M ≠ - 1 is obtained from (1)
M = 1 or - 1 from 2
By synthesizing (1) and (2), M = 1
The value of M is 1
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If x − 2m < 0 x + m > 2 & nbsp; has a solution, then the range of M is ()
A. m>−23B. m≤23C. m>23D. m≤−23

If x − 2m < 0 (1) x + m > 2 (2), solve inequality (1), X < 2m, solve inequality (2), X > 2-m, ∵ inequality system has solution, ∵ 2m > 2-m, ∵ m > 23

A shopping mall plans to invest a sum of money to purchase a batch of hot goods. According to market research, if it is sold at the beginning of this month, it will make a profit of 10%, and then it will invest the capital and profit into other goods, and it will make a profit of 10% at the beginning of next month. If it is sold at the beginning of next month, it will make a profit of 25%, but it will pay 8000 yuan for storage. If you invest X Yuan in a shopping mall, please put forward reasonable suggestions to the shopping mall according to the capital situation of the shopping mall Suggest, explain when to sell more profit

Suppose that the investment fund is x yuan, if it can be sold at the beginning of this month and make a profit of Y1 yuan at the beginning of next month, then Y1 = 10% x + (1 + 10%) x · 10% = 0.1X + 0.11x = 0.21x; if it can be sold at the beginning of next month and make a profit of Y2 yuan, then y2 = 25% x-8000 = 0.25x-8000; when Y1 = Y2, 0.21x = 0.25x-8000, x = 200000; when Y1 > Y2, 0.21x > 0.25x-8000, x < 200000; when Y1 < Y2, 0.21x < 0.25x-8000, The results show that if the market invests 200000 yuan, the profits of the two sales methods are the same; if the market invests less than 200000 yuan, the profits will be higher at the beginning of this month; if the investment is more than 200000 yuan, the profits will be higher at the beginning of next month

Do it with the inequality of degree one,
1. A and B are in the 100 meter race. In the first race, when a reaches the finish line, B is still 10 meters away from the finish line, so a says, "let's do it again. You stand on the starting line, I'll step back 10 meters, and we'll do it again." they have another competition. Suppose that a and B keep the same speed in the process of running, please guess who wins and who loses in the second race?

Let a speed be x, then B speed be (9 / 10) X
It takes 110 / X for a to reach the end point
The time from B to the end point was 100 / (0.9x) = 111.111/x > 110 / X
So B uses more time than a, a wins and B loses

Mathematics questions of grade one in junior high school
First, we know that 2a-3x = 0, 3b-2x-16 = 0, and a ≤ 4 < B, then we can find the value range of X (write the process and answer)
Second, we know the system of inequalities about X (I will write the system of equations into two inequalities here) x-a > 0,
There are 6 integer solutions of 3-2x > 0. Try to analyze the value range of a (write the process and answer)
Third: if the system of inequalities (I write two inequalities separately) x < m + 1, X > 2m-1 has no solution, find the value range of M (write the process and answer)
Sorry, the first equation of the first question should be changed: 2a-3x + 1 = 0
If it's right, I'll give it to you

The solution of linear inequality of one variable
This paper discusses the solution set of inequality (a + 2) x > 1 about X
Another question to answer: if the inequality 3x-a / 2 + 1 about X

1) When a > - 2, x > 1 / (a + 2)
2) When a

Mathematical inequalities of one variable and one degree can be solved in advance
-How to solve this problem if x of 3 is greater than 5? The most important thing is to match the steps of solving the problem and why to solve it in this way

Multiply both sides of inequality by - 3
Because - 3

Inequality of degree one variable
Xiaoming and Xiaoxin go to school at the same time. The distance from home to school is 2km. Their walking speed is 6km / h, and their running speed is 10km / h. please design a problem that can be solved by one-way inequality according to the above information, and give the solution
Ask for something else

Xiao Ming's distance from home to school is 2km, his walking speed is 6km / h, and his running speed is 10km / h
If you have to get to school in 16 minutes, how many meters does Xiao Ming have to run?
2km = 2000 (m), 6km / h = 100 (M / min), 10km / h = 500 / 3 (M / min)
If he had to get to school in 16 minutes, Xiao Ming would have to run at least x meters
According to the meaning of the title:
The solution is as follows

On the linear inequality of one variable in Mathematics
When solving practical problems, how to judge whether the problem is solved by one variable inequality or one variable inequality system?

The difference lies in whether there are multiple conditional restrictions, otherwise it is an inequality, and multiple conditions are a system of inequalities

If the solution set of inequality 3x - (2k-3) < 4x + 3K + 6 is x > 1, then the value of K is______ .

Remove the brackets to get: 3x-2k + 3 < 4x + 3K + 6, transfer term to get: - x < 5K + 3, coefficient to 1 to get: X > - 5k-3, the solution set of ∵ inequality is x > 1 ∵ 5k-3 = 1, the solution is: k = - 45. So the answer is: - 45