The diameter of the round table top is 1.2 meters. The area of the table top is () the perimeter of the round object is 18.84 cm, and its area is ()

The diameter of the round table top is 1.2 meters. The area of the table top is () the perimeter of the round object is 18.84 cm, and its area is ()

1. The diameter of the round desktop is 1.2 meters, and the area of this desktop is 1.13 square meters
2. The circumference of a circular object is 18.84cm, and its area is 28.26m2

The circumference of a semicircle is 41.12cm. What is its diameter?
At that time, remember to come back to deal with the problem and return 5 wealth value

Let R be the radius,
The circumference of the semicircle is 41.12cm
Diameter d = 2R = 16cm

(1) Given r = 2cm, find the perimeter and area of the circle. (2) given D = 6cm, find the perimeter and area. 3. C = 25.12cm, find the perimeter and area

(1) Perimeter = 3.14 * 2 * 2 = 12.56cm
Area = 3.14 * 2 * 2 = 12.56cm ^ 2
(2) Perimeter = 3.14 * 6 = 18.84cm
Area = 3.14 * 6 / 2 * 6 / 2 = 28.26cm ^ 2
Perimeter = 25.12
Let's find the radius, radius = 25.12 / (2 * 3.14) = 4cm
Area = 3.14 * 4 * 4 = 50.24cm ^ 2

When m = (), there is no XY term in polynomial 8 (x ^ 2) + 3mxy-5 (y ^ 2) + XY-8
There should be a specific process

Without XY term: (3m + 1) = 0, M = - 1 / 3

A ^ 2 + 4 can form more than 5 complete square formulas by adding a single formula


The complete square of an integer is equal to the square of 16x + 1 + a (a is a monomial). Please write at least four monomials represented by A
I know two
I'm not sure about the other two. Please help me think about them


The complete square of an integer is 16x & sup2; + 1 + a (a is a monomial). Please write at least four monomials represented by A

There are five
The fourth power of 64x

Deduce the calculation rule of "the square of two digit number 5" from the complete square formula

Two digit, one digit is 5, let this number be A5 (ten digit is a, one digit is 5), then this number can be written as 10 * a + 5, so (A5) ^ 2 = (10 * a + 5) ^ 2 = 100A ^ 2 + 100A + 25 = 100A (a + 1) + 25. From the above results, we can see that after a * (a + 1) is multiplied by 100, both the one digit and ten digit are 0, which is equivalent to the result of a * (a + 1) to

Can you figure out the square of the two digits whose last digit is 5? Please use the complete square formula to explain the reason

Let the last digit be 5, and the ten digits of two digits be x (10x + 5) = (10x) square + 100x + 25 = 100x square + 100x + 25

What is the law of squares?
Like the square of five
The end is 25

The numbers with 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are likely to be square numbers. The numbers with 2, 3, 7 and 8 are absolutely impossible to be square numbers