A cylindrical grain bin full of corn, a cylindrical grain bin full of corn, the bottom circumference is 6.28 meters, if you pile these corn into a high pile A cylindrical grain bin full of corn has a bottom circumference of 6.28 meters. If these corn are piled into a cone-shaped corn pile with a height of 1 meter, how many square meters is the cone bottom area?

A cylindrical grain bin full of corn, a cylindrical grain bin full of corn, the bottom circumference is 6.28 meters, if you pile these corn into a high pile A cylindrical grain bin full of corn has a bottom circumference of 6.28 meters. If these corn are piled into a cone-shaped corn pile with a height of 1 meter, how many square meters is the cone bottom area?

12 OK,
Grain storage radius: 6.28 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 1 (m)
Grain storage volume: 3.14 × 1 × 1 = 3.14 (M3)
Cone bottom area: 3.14 △ 1 / 3 △ 1 = 9.42 (M2)