Cut a rectangular piece of paper 120 cm in length and 80 cm in width into several equal small squares, and there is no surplus. How many pieces can be reduced at least Determinant

Cut a rectangular piece of paper 120 cm in length and 80 cm in width into several equal small squares, and there is no surplus. How many pieces can be reduced at least Determinant

(120,80) = 40. 120 / 40 × 80 / 40 = 6 can be cut into at least six equal small squares

Cut a piece of rectangular paper 120 cm in length and 80 cm in width into a square of the same size (there is no paper left). What is the maximum side length of the square, and at least how many pieces can be cut?

The greatest common factor of 120 and 80 is 40; 120 × 80 ^ (40 × 40), = 9600 ^ 1600, = 6 (pieces); answer: the maximum side length of the cut square is 40 cm, at least 6 such squares can be cut

There is a rectangular table 120cm long and 80cm wide. If several square papers of the same size are used for tiling
How many cm is the maximum side length of the selected square paper? How many pieces of paper are needed for the maximum side length

The maximum factor of 120 and 80 is 40
2 * 3 = 6 sheets