The length of a swimming pool is 50 meters, the width is 25 meters, and the depth is 2 meters. How many cubic meters of soil have been excavated to build this swimming pool? Put a layer of cement on the side and bottom of the pool. What is the area of cement? (formula)

The length of a swimming pool is 50 meters, the width is 25 meters, and the depth is 2 meters. How many cubic meters of soil have been excavated to build this swimming pool? Put a layer of cement on the side and bottom of the pool. What is the area of cement? (formula)

50 * 25 + 50 * 2 * 2 + 25 * 2 * 2 = 1550 square meters

The main swimming pool of Athens Olympic water sports center is 50 meters long, 25 meters wide and 2.2 meters deep? (2) How many square meters is the area of the tile part to be paved on its four walls and bottom? (3) If you want to inject 1.8 meters of water into this swimming pool, it is known that it can inject 150 cubic meters of water per hour. How many hours will it take?

(1) (2) 50 × 25 + (50 × 2.2 + 25 × 2.2) × 2 = 1250 + (110 + 55) × 2 = 1250 + 330 = 1580 square meters. (3) 50 × 25 × 1.8 △ 15