Java defines a rectangle, including method, perimeter and area

Java defines a rectangle, including method, perimeter and area

Static void Juxing (double x, double y) {/ / X and y are length, width, double D = 2 * x + 2 * y; / / perimeter, double S = x * y; / / area System.out.println (rectangle perimeter is + D); System.out.println ("rectangle area: + s);} public static void main (string [] a

How to calculate the area, volume and perimeter of a rectangle? What's the meaning of area, volume and perimeter?

Area of rectangle = length x width, rectangle has no volume, perimeter = (length + width) * 2,
It means: the area in the plane, the volume in the space, the perimeter, the sum of the four sides,

The concept of perimeter and area

The sum of all sides of a figure is called the circumference of the figure
The size of the surface or enclosed plane figure of an object is called its area

Given the three vertices a (4,3), B (7, - 5), C (- 1, - 2) of ABC, find the perimeter of the triangle

So perimeter = 2 √ 73 + 5 √ 2

Why is the perimeter of a triangle made up of a point inside the triangle and any two points of the triangle always smaller than the original?
Mathematics in grade one

Take a point O inside the triangle ABC to connect OB and OC
It is proved that ab + AC > ob + OC
First of all, we extend Bo to d
The sum of DC + od > OC is greater than that of the third side
So AB + AD + DC + od > BD + OC
Go through and move to

Determine two points of the triangle, and the other point moves on a straight line. When this point is at what position, the perimeter of the triangle is the smallest?
Make sure that the two points are on the same side of the line.

Make a symmetry point of a certain point about a straight line, and then connect the line between this symmetry point and another certain point with the intersection point of the straight line. When this point is at this intersection point, the perimeter of the triangle is the smallest

Find a point on one line and form the shortest perimeter of triangle with another line
There are two points on one side of a straight line. The distance between a, B and ab is a fixed value. Find a point C on the straight line to make the perimeter of the triangle formed by a, B and C shortest. How to find such a point C

1. 2. In the same plane, two lines are not parallel. Select a point a or B which is closest to the other line as the vertical line and intersect with the other line at point C, so the perimeter of triangle ABC is the shortest. 3. In the same plane, two lines are parallel, and make the vertical line at the midpoint of point a and B, and intersect with the other line at point C, so the perimeter of triangle ABC is the shortest

The circumference of the triangle is () cm, which is formed by three lines of 12cm, 6cm and 7cm

Problem: the circumference of a triangle is (25) cm with three lines of 12 cm, 6 cm and 7 cm
Formula: 12 + 6 + 7 = 25 (CM)

Given that the ratio of three sides of a triangle is 4:6:7, and the difference between the shortest side and the longest side is 6cm, the perimeter of the triangle is 5cm
We heard the story of the tortoise and rabbit race when we were young. We all know that the tortoise defeated the little white rabbit in the end. If the little white rabbit knew the shame in the second race and then braved, when he was 1000 meters behind the tortoise, he would catch up with the tortoise at the speed of 101 meters per minute, but the tortoise still crawled at the speed of 1 meter per minute, then the little white rabbit would only need minutes to catch up with the tortoise
It is known that X / 2 + M = 2x-m
When m = 2, find the value of X
When x = 2, find the value of M
Come on, come on!!!!!! It's urgent

It takes about X minutes for a rabbit to catch up with a turtle,
According to the meaning of the title, we can get 101x = x + 1000
The solution is x = 10
It will take about 10 minutes for the rabbit to catch up with the tortoise

Given that the ratio of three sides of a triangle is 4:6:7, and the difference between the shortest side and the longest side is 12 cm, what is the circumference of the triangle?

=68 cm
The circumference is 68 cm