A cylinder is equal to the bottom of a cone. The volume of a cone is three times that of a cylinder, and the height of a cylinder is a fraction of that of a cone? Formula calculation

A cylinder is equal to the bottom of a cone. The volume of a cone is three times that of a cylinder, and the height of a cylinder is a fraction of that of a cone? Formula calculation

S column: S cone = h column: H cone / 3 = 1 / 3
So h-pillar: h-cone = 1 / 9

The bottom area of a cylinder and a cone is equal. The height of a cylinder is twice that of a cone. The volume of a cone is () times that of a cylinder

One in six

The base area and height of a cone are equal respectively. The volume of a cone is () of the volume of a cylinder. The volume of a cylinder is () of the volume of a cone
Which is larger, cylinder volume or cone volume, cylinder height or cone height, bottom area ~ surface area

Cylinder V1 = s * h
Cone V2 = (1 / 3) * s * h