Ancient unit of measurement: Mu. Fen. Li. Hao. How to calculate the modern square meter?

Ancient unit of measurement: Mu. Fen. Li. Hao. How to calculate the modern square meter?

Mu is not fixed, just like the ancient people's height is very high with the current three feet and one meter (Zou Jixiu is more than eight feet, almost 2.5 meters, in fact, only about 1.8 meters). Generally, the current 15 mu and one hectare (10000 square meters), that is, 1 Mu is about 666.67 square meters. 1 mu has 10 points, 1 minute is 66.667 square meters. 1 minute is 10 Li, 1 mile is 10 millimetres, then 1 millimetre is 0.667 square meters

When surveying land, we usually use () as the unit of length, calculate the area () and then convert it into ()

Dai Jingcheng,
Generally, use (meter) as the unit of length, calculate the area (how many square meters), and then convert it into (hectare or square kilometer)

How many units of measurement in ancient times did one Dou and three he refer to
One bucket and three combinations should be the same unit. How can they be divided into weight units and volume units.

Dou and contract are measurement units, that is, volume units
1 bucket = 10 liters = 100 closures
In the Han Dynasty, one bucket was equivalent to 2000 milliliters,
Three is equivalent to 60 ml now
In the Tang Dynasty, one bucket was made in large quantities, which is equivalent to 6000 ml now,
3 is equivalent to 180 ml now;
Small quantity system: 1 bucket is equivalent to 2000 ml now,
Three is equivalent to 60 ml now
In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, one bucket was equivalent to 10000 ml now,
Three is equivalent to 300 ml now
They are divided into weight unit and volume unit, which may be confused by "Shi". Shi is not only a measurement unit (since Song Dynasty, 1 Shi = 2 Hu = 10 Dou), but also a weight unit (weight unit)