A square botanical garden has a perimeter of 1200 meters. How many hectares is its area

A square botanical garden has a perimeter of 1200 meters. How many hectares is its area

300m * 300m = 9 hectares

A square flower bed has a circumference of 240 meters. How many square meters and hectares is its area?

The perimeter is 240, the side length is 60, and the area is 60 × 60 = 3600 square meters. One hectare is equal to 10000 square meters, so it is equal to 0.36 hectare

It's a circle and a square with an area of 50 square meters. What's their perimeter? How much? (accurate to 0.1M)

Circle area (s) = circumference π (3.14) * square of radius (R) = 50 L = 2 π r = 2 * 3.14 * 4 = 25.1
Square area = square of side length = 50 L = 4 * 7.1 = 28.4