Standard form of linear equation with one variable

Standard form of linear equation with one variable

The standard form is as follows
ax+b=0 ..
Binary one:
ax+by+c =0

The general formula of the simplest form is AX = B, where the coefficient a of the unknowns satisfies the condition that

The general formula of the simplest form is AX = B, where the coefficient a of the unknown satisfies the condition that a ≠ 0

What is the standard form of the equation of degree one variable?

One example
5x-5=0 x=1

What is the standard form of linear equation with one variable


What is the general form of linear equation with one variable?

An equation with only one unknown (also called unary) and its degree is 1 is called unary linear equation. Any unary linear equation can always be reduced to the form AX = B (a ≠ 0), which is the standard form (simplest form) of unary linear equation

If the parabola y = ax & # 178; + BX + C passes through the point (2,4), then the value of the algebraic formula 8A + 4B + 1 is?

Substituting a point into a parabola

Using the collocation method to solve the equation (1) (x + 1) &# 178; - 10 (x + 1) + 9 = 0 (2) x & # 178; - 6AX + 9A & # 178; - 4B & # 178; = 0

The formula method is used to solve the following equation A & # 178; + B & # 178; + 2a-4b + 5 = (a + # 178) ²+(b-______) ²


If the equation ax-x & # 178; = 0 is followed by 2, then a=

Substitute x = 2 into the equation

Given y = ax & # 178; + BX, when x = 1, the value of Y is 2; when x = - 2, the value of Y is 5

Typical function for undetermined coefficient
From the problem, point (1,2) (- 2,5) satisfies the function,
When x = 1, the value of Y is 2,2 = a + B
When x = - 2, the value of Y is 5 = 4a-2b
The solution is: a = 1.5, B = 0.5