How to solve the problem that three out of five equals nine out of ten

How to solve the problem that three out of five equals nine out of ten

5x = 9 / 10 × 3 / 5
5x = 27 / 50
X = 27 / 50 △ 5
X = 27 / 250

X minus 5 / 3 x equals 5 / 3


Find the solution of 7.5x-9.25 equal to 3.3.5
Urgent, correct answer, I will give you more reward
Wrong. 7.5x-9.25 is 33.5

Your problem. The most powerful problem about solving X
7.5x =33.5+9.25
X = 42.75 / 7.5 (/ = divided by)
We get x = 5.7



What is limx → 1 x ^ 2-5x + 4 / x ^ 3-1

The answer is - 1

X + 3 = 5x, what is x equal to?


17 / 25 of a book is 51. How many pages does this book have?

Seventeen out of twenty-five of a book is 51, and this book has 51 / 17 / 25 = 75 pages

How many pages does this book have?

That's 85 pages

8.25 - (4 / 17 + 1 / 4)=

8.25 - (4 / 17 + 1 / 4)
=7 and 13 / 17
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Add 1 from - 55 to get a series of integers, - 54, - 53, - 52 Excuse me: (1) what is the 100th integer? (2) What is the sum of these 100 integers?

(1) The 100th integer is - 55 + 100 = 45; (2) the sum of these 100 integers is (- 54) + (- 53) + (- 52) + (- 1) + 0 + 1 + +(45)=-(1+2+… +54)+(1+2+… +45)=-(46+47+48+49+50+51+52+53+54)=-450.