1. The binary number 1100 is the sum of the binary number 110(

1. The binary number 1100 is the sum of the binary number 110(

The binary number 1100 is (2 times) the binary number 110
Explain any binary integer, after adding a 0, is the original number increased by 2 times. Add two 0, is the original number increased by 4 times , and then add n zeros, which means that the original number is increased by N times of 2
This is the same as adding n zeros after decimal integers, which means that the original number is increased by the nth power of 10

Matlab symbolic operation into the numerical
Is there any function that can substitute the parameters a and B in the calculation results?

The subs() function, which I saw only today
Subs (a + B, a, 2) is to replace a in a + B with 2
Subs (x / y, y, 3) is to replace y in X / y with 3

The definition of calculus limit
According to this law, is a sequence approaching 0 a limit sequence?

Definition of sequence limit:
If there is always a positive number n for every given small positive number, such that for all xn when n > N, there are | xn-a | n, | xn-0|