85-60 = 25, 4, 25 = 100, 56, 100 = 156, how to list the comprehensive formula?

85-60 = 25, 4, 25 = 100, 56, 100 = 156, how to list the comprehensive formula?


The N + 2 power of X - n = 3 is a linear equation with one variable, then x = ()

Once a dollar, then the degree of X is 1
So x + 1 = 3

On the one variable linear equation of X, if the root of the second power of X + PX + 3 = 0 is - 3, then p =?

You can get it from the question
x^2+px+3=0 x1=-3
Substituting X1 into the original equation

Then the solution of the equation x + ay = 3 + 1 is linear___ .

Substituting x = - 4 into 2x + a = x + 1, we get: - 8 + a = - 4 + 1, we get a = 5; substituting a = 5 into - ay + 1 = 3, we get - 5Y + 1 = 3, we get y = - 25

Read and answer: | 2x | = 3 solution: 1. When 2x ≥ 0, the original equation can be transformed into a unary linear equation 2x = 3, his solution is 3 / 2; 2. When 2x < 0, the original equation
Read and answer: | 2x | = 3
1. When 2x is greater than or equal to 0, the original equation can be reduced to a linear equation of one variable 2x = 3, and its solution is 3 / 2; 2. When 2x is less than 0, the original equation (Continued) it can be reduced to a linear equation of one variable - 2x = 3, its solution is x = - 3 / 2. So the explanation of the original equation is x = 3 / 2 or x = - 3 / 2
According to the above process, the following equation is solved

Is your first question the wrong number
(1) If | x-3 | = 2 1. When x-3 > 0, the original equation can be reduced to x-3 = 2, and the solution is 5; 2. When X-30, the original equation can be reduced to 3x-1 = 5, and the solution is 2; 2

The solution of the equation 2x + a = x + 1 is - 4, then the solution of the equation - ay + 1 = 3 is y = 4___ .

Substituting x = - 4 into 2x + a = x + 1, we get: - 8 + a = - 4 + 1, we get a = 5; substituting a = 5 into - ay + 1 = 3, we get - 5Y + 1 = 3, we get y = - 25

It is known that the power of M-1 of X + 1 = 0 is a linear equation of one variable about X. the solution of the equation MX = 2m-7x is obtained

The power of M-1 of X + 1 = 0 is a linear equation of one variable about X
Then M-1 = 1
Then M = 2
Then 2x = 4-7x

It is known that XM-1 + 1 = 0 is a univariate linear equation about X. find the equation MX = 2m-7x
Note that it is known that XM-1 + 1 = 0 M-1 is "urgent" in the upper right foot‘‘‘
Because: x ^ (m-1) + 1 = 0 is the unary linear equation of X. what's above x is ^ and what's --- >?

Because: x ^ (m-1) + 1 = 0 is the one variable linear equation about X
So: M-1 = 1 ------ > m = 2
In: MX = 2m-7x

It is known that the solution of the linear equation 3kx + k = 8 with respect to X is x = 1

Substituting x = 1 into the original equation: 3K + k = 8, the solution: k = 2. The value of K is 2

Is x ^ 2 = 4 a linear equation with one variable

No, the number of unknowns in Yuan Dynasty, and the number of unknowns
So x ^ 2 is quadratic