Find five letter English words Five word English words, with Chinese meaning

Find five letter English words Five word English words, with Chinese meaning

Angry is angry after Then love lovers begin to start
How many do you need? Are these words OK?

Find five letter words with the letter "O"
Look for words with the letter "O", preferably 5 letters with good meaning

Ozone clean air ozone
Overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt overt
Out of appearance
You should
Organ organ organization news media
Over come
Overall overall

Nine letter English word, the second is e, the fifth is t, the seventh is f?

_ e__ t_ f__
Beautiful means beautiful