A fraction, the numerator plus 1, is 3 / 5, and the denominator minus 1, is 4 / 7 You can't use equations to list the formulas. It's a problem for primary school students

A fraction, the numerator plus 1, is 3 / 5, and the denominator minus 1, is 4 / 7 You can't use equations to list the formulas. It's a problem for primary school students

This number is 8 / 15

If there is a fraction, the numerator plus one will be 2 out of 7, and the numerator minus one will be 4 out of 21

The solution is a = 21
So the score is 5 / 21

There is a fraction, the numerator plus 1 equals 2 / 3, the numerator minus 4 equals 1 / 4
There is a fraction, the numerator plus 1 is equal to 2 / 3, the numerator minus 4 is equal to 1 / 4

Let the original molecule be x, (x + 1) / y = 2 / 3, x + 1 = 2Y / 3... (1) (x-4) / y = 1 / 4, x-4 = Y / 4... (2) (1) / (2) get (x + 1) / (x-4) = 2 / 3 / 1 / 4 (x + 1) / (x-4) = 8 / 33x + 3 = 8x-325x = 35x = 7, take x = 7, enter (2) formula to get 7-4 = Y / 4Y = 12, then the original fraction is 7 / 12