The reciprocal of one number is 2.4, and the other is eight fifths. What is the sum of the two numbers?

The reciprocal of one number is 2.4, and the other is eight fifths. What is the sum of the two numbers?

The reciprocal of a number is 2.4: the number is 5 / 12
The other number is 8 / 5
So the sum of these two numbers is 121 / 60

(1) Four fifths are reciprocal and five quarters are reciprocal
(2) Because three fifths times five thirds equals one, so three fifths is reciprocal

(1) Four fifths is the reciprocal of five fourths, and five fourths is the reciprocal of four fifths
(2) Because three fifths times five thirds equals one, three fifths is the reciprocal of five thirds

What's the sum of three quarters and four times its reciprocal plus two fifths?

Three quarters and four times the sum of its reciprocal plus two fifths