There are 440 boys in Hongxing primary school. The number of boys is 22 / 15 of the number of girls. What is the number of the whole school? Use equation to calculate equation

There are 440 boys in Hongxing primary school. The number of boys is 22 / 15 of the number of girls. What is the number of the whole school? Use equation to calculate equation

X divided by 22 / 15 = 440
X = 440 times 22 / 15
x =300

There are 440 boys in Hongxing primary school. The number of boys is 22 / 15 of the number of girls. How many are there in the whole school?
Please, come on, today

If there are X students in the school, the number of female students is (x-440)

Dongfang primary school has 216 boys and two fifths girls. How many students are there?
Don't calculate formula, find out how to list the equivalent relation
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216 (1-2 / 5) = 360 (person)
The number of male students △ the percentage of male students = the total number of male students
(corresponding quantity / corresponding rate = total quantity)