How many palindromes are there in five digits

How many palindromes are there in five digits

Because after the first three digits are determined, the last three digits are determined, so it's good to only look at the first three digits, because there are 900 3-digit palindromes, so there are 900 5-digit palindromes

The algorithm described in natural language is to find all prime numbers within 1-200
Design an algorithm to complete the search for prime numbers within 1-200, and output all prime numbers, without programming, described in natural language,

There are many algorithms for this problem, here to provide a relatively simple and direct idea, hope to be useful to you. 1, first write a return bool type discriminant function, with int type variable as a parameter, to determine whether the parameter is a prime number, if yes, return true or false, if not, otherwise; 2, because 1 is neither a prime nor

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Loop with for statement