Let f (x) be differentiable at XO, then LIM (x) approaches 0, f (XO + x) - f (xo-3x) / X is equal to 0 A.2f'(xo) B.f'(xo) C.3f'(xo) D.4f'(xo)

Let f (x) be differentiable at XO, then LIM (x) approaches 0, f (XO + x) - f (xo-3x) / X is equal to 0 A.2f'(xo) B.f'(xo) C.3f'(xo) D.4f'(xo)

Using the definition of derivative

For the function f (x) = x ^ 2-1 / x ^ 2-3x + 2, if x0 ∈ (1,2), there is always limf (x) x approaching to x0 = f (XO)

If f (x) = x ^ 2-1 / x ^ 2-3x + 2 x ^ 2-3x + 2 is not 0, X is not equal to 2 and 1x0 ∈ (1,2), f (x) is meaningful. It is proved that f (x) = x ^ 2-1 / x ^ 2-3x + 2F (x) = (x-1) (x + 1) / (x-1) (X-2) = (x + 1) / (X-2) = (X-2 + 3) / (X-2) = 1 + 3 / (X-2) for any given positive number ε| f (x) - f (x0) | f (x) -

XO is a root of the trinomial f (x) = x ^ 3-3x + 10
Do you mean XO ^ 3-3xo + 10 = 0?
By the way, what is the root of a polynomial

The root of a polynomial is the solution when the polynomial is zero