There are 100 natural numbers, the sum of which is 2010. In these numbers, the number of odd numbers is less than that of even numbers. How many odd numbers are there at most?

There are 100 natural numbers, the sum of which is 2010. In these numbers, the number of odd numbers is less than that of even numbers. How many odd numbers are there at most?

The number of odd numbers is even, otherwise the sum is odd
If the odd number is less than the even number, then the odd number

Arbitrarily take out 2010 natural numbers, its sum is odd or even

This is not certain
Even and odd numbers, for example, take 1
For another example, we take 2010 odd (or even) numbers, and the sum is even

If there are even numbers in each digit of a natural number, it is called "hope number". For example, 26201533 is hope number, 8, 36208 is not hope number. Then, arrange all hope numbers from small to large, and the 2010 hope number is hope number______ .

By summing up the rules, in addition to the six numbers of 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, there will be five hope numbers in every ten numbers, such as: 11, 13, 15, 17, 19; 100, 102, 104, 106, 108 So, 2010-1 = 20092009 △ 5 = 401 4 & nbsp; 401 × 10 = 4010