The best is about prime numbers and composite numbers

The best is about prime numbers and composite numbers

1. The publishing house has recorded a new set of tapes, with a total of 4 boxes. Each tape is 10.6cm long, 6.9cm wide and 1.5cm high. Can you think of several packaging methods? How much wrapping paper does each method need at least?
2. After three cubes of the same size are put together into a cuboid, the surface area is reduced by 144 cubic centimeters. How many square centimeters is the surface area of this cuboid?
3. A cuboid wooden box with a cover, the volume is 0.576m and 179; its length is 12dm, and its width is 8dm. How many square meters of wood should be used to make such a wooden box?
4. There is a pool, which is made of brick and cement. The wall is 2 mm thick and the bottom is 1 DM thick. What is the volume of the pool?
1. Fill in the blanks
1. The smallest prime number is (), the smallest composite number is (), and the smallest odd number is ()
The prime numbers within 2.20 are ()
2. Judgment
All the factors of 1.48 are 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24 and 48. There are nine, so they are combined
2. Any natural number has at least two factors
3. If a number can be divided by 11, it must be combined
4. The larger a natural number is, the more factors it has

Is 0 prime or composite

When determining whether a number is prime or composite, the range is only a positive integer, so 0 is neither prime nor composite

Is 0 prime or composite?
0 seems to be a composite number, because it can be divided by any natural number, but it can't be a multiple of any natural number. Is 0 a prime number or a composite number?

A prime number is a number divisible by 1 and itself. A composite number is a number divisible by other prime numbers besides 1 and itself. Therefore, 0 is neither a prime nor a composite number