Mm to CM equals

Mm to CM equals

The conversion from millimeter to centimeter is equal to, that is, a small unit becomes a large unit, which is divided by their rate of advance. If their rate of advance is 10, it is divided by 10

Length conversion: how many centimeters is one inch?
I want to ask, how many centimeters is one inch? How many centimeters is one foot?

100cm = 3 feet = 30 inches
1 inch = 0.1 foot =
1 foot = 33.333cm

What is the length and width of a standard football field? What is the equivalent of several mu of land?

The size of standard 11 football field is 68m × 105m
The international competition field should be 90-110 meters long and 45-90 meters wide. It is recognized in this range