Fill 1-9 numbers in the nine square properly so that the three numbers in each row, column and diagonal add up to 15 Urgent, quick. 15 points in 10 minutes and five points in 30 minutes

Fill 1-9 numbers in the nine square properly so that the three numbers in each row, column and diagonal add up to 15 Urgent, quick. 15 points in 10 minutes and five points in 30 minutes

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

From 1 to 9, nine squares are equal to 15 horizontally, vertically and obliquely

In the biography of archery heroes, there are, ha ha, wearing nine shoes one, three on the left and seven on the right, two or four shoulders and six or eight feet
4 9 2;
3 5 7;
It can be upside down like this

What is minus one and one-third plus three?

It's one and two thirds