Can abacus calculate multiplication and division?

Can abacus calculate multiplication and division?

Yes, I'll give you a decision: abacus formula table addition formula table no carry add carry add straight top five add into ten break five into ten add one up one down five go four one go nine into one two up two

How to use the abacus to calculate multiplication should be popular and easy to understand

There are two kinds of division by abacus: division by return and division by quotient. Division by return is calculated by pithy formula, which includes nine return pithy formula, retreat pithy formula and nine quotient pithy formula. Nine return pithy formula has 61 sentences: division by one: every one enters one, every two enters two, every three enters three, every four enters four, every five enters five, every six enters six, every seven enters seven, every eight enters eight, every nine enters nine

How does abacus calculate the square root?

Abacus power can be directly multiplied, or according to the formula. If the power of a higher power is prime, it can only be directly multiplied. If it can be decomposed into factors, it can be decomposed into factors to calculate again. The square root of abacus generally has the method of half ninety-nine square root, the method of product difference square root, the method of formula square root, the method of increasing multiplication square root, the method of cubic root root root root, and the method of increasing multiplication square root