How much should be recorded when the length of an object measured in Decimeter is 4.5786m

How much should be recorded when the length of an object measured in Decimeter is 4.5786m

Do you consider the factors of significant numbers and errors? In our physics class, the first experiment is to measure the length of an object. We need to consider the factors of significant numbers and errors
If not considered, 4.5786m = 45.786dm
If considered, 4.5786m = 45.8decimeter, in this case, decimeter is the minimum scale of the ruler, 45 is the exact data, and 8 is an estimate

Xiao Ming measured the length of a floor tile with a ruler with division value of 1 mm
The measured length of the floor tile is 60mm, which is 0.6000m when it turns into meter. Why

Xiao Ming used a scale with a division value of 1 mm. The result should be estimated to the next millimeter
When the length of floor tile is 60cm, it should be recorded as 60.00cm, and the unit of meter is 0.6000m