How can three ones and two equal 24 Numbers cannot be used together

How can three ones and two equal 24 Numbers cannot be used together

Combinatorial problem? Put those three ones together,

How can 1,2,2,3 be equal to 24

These four operations can't work out 24. The maximum is less than 24
If the power is allowed, it is OK

Calculated by, the final value is 10
Just add and subtract, a number can only be used once, some people can count

The solution to this problem is: first, choose two numbers and make the sum of them - 10, such as - 2 and - 8, - 3 and - 7, - 4 and - 6, and then choose the appropriate "+", "-" sign to make the sum of the remaining numbers 0. The following answers are for reference: 1, + 2 + 3-4 + 5-6 + 7-8-92, - 2-3-4-5-6-7 + 8 + 93, + 2-3 + 4 + 5 + 6-7-8-94