The area of Shanghai is about 6340 hectares or square kilometers

The area of Shanghai is about 6340 hectares or square kilometers

The area of Shanghai is about 6340 square kilometers

The total area of Shanghai is about 6340 square kilometers, and the area of Pudong New Area is 261 / 3170 of the total area of Shanghai

The area of Pudong is 6340 * 261 / 3170 = 522 square kilometers

What is the area of Beijing?

Beijing has a land area of 16410 square kilometers, including 6338 square kilometers of plain area, accounting for 38.6%, 10072 square kilometers of mountainous area, accounting for 61.4%, and 87.1 square kilometers of urban area
1 square kilometer (km2) = 100 hectares, so it covers an area of about 1641000 hectares