How many centimeters is a foot? How many centimeters is an inch? What's a seven foot man or something, And inch

How many centimeters is a foot? How many centimeters is an inch? What's a seven foot man or something, And inch

This problem is still a bit cumbersome, separate one by one to tell you. 1. The conversion between the modern unit of measurement and international unit: 1 foot = 10 inches, 1 inch = 10 minutes (1 foot = 33.33 cm, 1 inch = 3.333 cm). But first of all, we should state that the unit of measurement changes with the times

How many centimeters is an inch? How many centimeters is a foot?
How many decimeters is an inch? How many decimeters is a foot?

One inch 3.3 cm, one foot 33 cm

I want to know how many centimeters an inch is, how many meters a foot is,

One inch is 10 / 3cm, one foot is 1 / 3M