How much brick, sand and cement are used for a cubic wall?

How much brick, sand and cement are used for a cubic wall?

Strictly speaking, the amount of masonry materials used for brick interior wall is different from that used for exterior wall, foundation, column, square column, etc
Materials used: ordinary sintered red brick: 527 pieces
M2.5 mixed mortar: 0.251m3
Among them: No. 325 cement: 32.4kg
Clean sand: 0.256 M3
Lime: 23.8kg

I want to know about the weight of a cubic meter of sand? Or how many cubic meters is a ton of sand?


A load of sand with a triangle at the top and a rectangle at the bottom?

To be exact, there is a cuboid below and a pyramid above
Measure the length, width and height of the cuboid (which should be the carriage) and the height of the pyramid (which is what you call the triangle)
Cuboid volume = length x width x cuboid height
The volume of the pyramid = length x width x Height x one third of the pyramid
The sum of the two volumes is the cube of your car's sand