Chinese 111.5 mathematics 129 English 110 arts and Sciences?

Chinese 111.5 mathematics 129 English 110 arts and Sciences?

Of course, I studied science. Although biology is poor, after the review and practice of senior three, we all have the same biology. More importantly, there is a traditional and practical saying that science two is equivalent to liberal arts one, and liberal arts two is equal to good luck to find a job. Moreover, science will not kill people, and the admission rate is also very high. Depending on your score, liberal arts is not very good, so remember, Choose science! Absolutely right!

The final exam results of senior one are as follows: English 64.3
Next semester will be divided. I don't know what subject to choose... (Guangdong examinee male). Science is interested in physics. Arts is interested in history. How to divide!

Obviously, it's easier for you to study liberal arts from your grades, but it's not your advantage. Geography is very difficult for liberal arts, but your geography scores are very good. If you study liberal arts in the future, it's the place where you can open a gap with others. If you have to study science, it's normal to fail in physical chemistry

I'm a science student in senior two. I took Chinese 107 and English 68. What do you think I should do? I'm so anxious

After the exam, see the score, have you analyzed why? In fact, every analysis after the exam is related to your next performance progress, don't only focus on such ugly score, what you should pay attention to is why? First of all, do you really work hard? Do you work hard with the right method? Well analyze your every paper, calculate that there are