People's life is 80 years old, then the number of heart beats in a person's life is calculated, and the result is expressed by scientific counting method

People's life is 80 years old, then the number of heart beats in a person's life is calculated, and the result is expressed by scientific counting method

It is generally believed that people have 72 beats per minute
If the leap year is ignored, 72 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 80 = 3027456000 = 3.027456 * 10 ^ 9

Fall entrance test of XRS 2008-2009 academic year

The price of cherries on the market this year is 50% higher than that of last year. This year's price per kilogram is m yuan, and last year's price per kilogram is () yuan

Because last year's price per kilogram was X
Then 150% x = m
x=2/3 m