According to the Pythagorean theorem, the square of a plus the square of B equals the square of C. how to calculate the square of 35 plus 12 equals the square of 50

According to the Pythagorean theorem, the square of a plus the square of B equals the square of C. how to calculate the square of 35 plus 12 equals the square of 50

You're wrong

Pythagorean theorem: for example, the square of 8 plus the square of 17 equals 353, and then how to calculate?

Find the square root of 353, not open, you check to see if you do wrong

Is the square of Pythagorean theorem B equal to the square of a plus the square of C

The theorem is that the sum of the squares of two right angle sides is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. Usually, the public thinks that C is the hypotenuse. If we don't say which hypotenuse is, then the square of B is equal to the square of C minus the square of A