Calculation: 9.27 + [(- 5.73) + (- 4.37)] = ()

Calculation: 9.27 + [(- 5.73) + (- 4.37)] = ()


49 and 25 / 25 times minus 5
There's another way I don't know if it's OK, that is, first multiply 49 and - 5, then + 24 / 25 times - 5

49 and 24 out of 25 equals 50-1 out of 25, (50-1 out of 25) times - 5, equals - 250 plus 1 out of 5, and finally equals - 249 and 4 out of 5

How to calculate (35 + 91)

35 plus 92 and then divide by 7 equals 18

Simple calculation 1 / 1.25
1 / 1.25 = simple and fast

1/1.25= ( 1 ×4)/(1.25×4)=4/5

3.38-4,3 + 2.22-25% (mathematical calculation, simple calculation)

According to the law of exchange and the law of association, there are:

Simple operation of 38 × 45 + 45 × 62


Simple operation of 94 + 38 + 106 + 62


How to calculate 592-38 + 62 simply


How can 54 * 38 + 38 * 38 + 92 * 62 be easily calculated,


Simple operation process of 62 × 3 / 5 + 38 × 3 / 5

62 × 3 / 5 + 38 × 3 / 5
=(62 + 38) × 3 / 5
=100 × 3 / 5