Xiaoli bought a total of 10 stamps with 60 cents and 80 cents. For 7 yuan and 20 cents, she bought a stamp with 60 cents______ I bought 80 cent stamps______ There are two

Xiaoli bought a total of 10 stamps with 60 cents and 80 cents. For 7 yuan and 20 cents, she bought a stamp with 60 cents______ I bought 80 cent stamps______ There are two

According to the meaning of the title, we get x + y = 100.6x + 0.8y = 7.2, and the solution is x = 4Y = 6. Then we get 4 stamps for 60 and 6 stamps for 80

Xiaodong bought 16 stamps with 80 cents and 2 yuan, which cost 18.8 yuan. How much did he buy with 80 cents and 2 yuan?

This is actually the problem of chickens and rabbits in the same cage
Suppose you buy all 80 Fen (8 Jiao) stamps
So the money that should be used is 16 * 0.8 = 12.8 yuan
18.8-12.8 yuan more
That's 2 yuan for stamps
A $2 Stamp costs $1.2 more than a $80 stamp
Therefore, the number of 2 yuan stamps is 6 / 1.2 = 5
There are 11 out of 80
80 points bought 0.8 * 11 = 8.8 yuan
2 yuan for 10 yuan

Xiaohong, Xiaofang and Xiaoli live on the 1st, 8th and 11th floors of the same unit respectively. There are 16 steps between each two floors. How many steps are there from Xiaofang's house to Xiaoli's house
From Xiaohong to Xiaoli?