It is known that the speed of light is 30 km / s. how far is the distance between the moon and the earth It's urgent to find out by 8 o'clock. Come on

It is known that the speed of light is 30 km / s. how far is the distance between the moon and the earth It's urgent to find out by 8 o'clock. Come on

You need to know the time from when the signal is sent to when it is received

It is known that the speed of light is 3000 meters per second. Now we use a radio telescope to send a beam of light from the earth to the moon. After 2.5 seconds, the light is reflected back to the earth by the moon, and the distance between the moon and the earth is calculated

3750 km

The distance between the earth and the moon, and the time for light to travel from the earth to the moon

The average distance is about 384000 km, and the one-way propagation time is 1.28 seconds