When is the moon closest to the earth Who knows

When is the moon closest to the earth Who knows

About 4.5 billion years ago, when the earth and the moon were the same planet

How long does it take for an astronaut on the moon to send a radio signal (traveling at the speed of light) to the earth

The average distance between the moon and the earth is 384 400 km
Light speed c = 299792.5km/s
So t = s / C = 384400 / 299792.5 = 1.28222 (s)

The speed of light is about 3x10 & # 179; km / s. It takes 10 years for the light emitted by a star to reach the earth. How many km is the distance from the star to the earth if it is calculated with the power of 3.1x10 in a year?

The speed of light is about 3x10 km / s
The speed of light should be 3x105km / s, s = VT = 3x105km / sx3.1x107s = 9.3x1012km