Simple calculation of 0.25 into 24

Simple calculation of 0.25 into 24


Simple operation of 98 + 98 by 98 + 98 and 32 by 25 by 125
Note that they are all simple operations

98 + 98 times 98 + 98
32 times 25 divided by 125

24 times one fifth plus 76 divided by 5

24 times one in five plus 76 divided by 5

108 × 125 =? Use the law of multiplicative distribution


Simple calculation of 1.5 × 4 / 5 + 0.8 × 5.5 + 4 / 5 =? Multiplication distribution law


How to calculate 125 × 32-125 × 24 with the law of multiplicative distribution?
Use the equation to calculate


Calculation of 37 * 23 + 37 * 24 + 37 multiplication distribution law


How to use the distribution law of multiplication: 20 * 55


The law of multiplicative distribution can be used to calculate 103 × 12______ (judge right or wrong)

103 × 12 = (100 + 3) × 12 = 100 × 12 + 3 × 12 = 1200 + 36 = 1236. This is a simple calculation by using the law of multiplicative distribution

How to calculate 103 times 12 with the law of distribution of multiplication
