First simplify, then evaluate: 6x ((x ^ 2) - x + 1) - (2x + 3) (3x-2), where x = 2; the gods help

First simplify, then evaluate: 6x ((x ^ 2) - x + 1) - (2x + 3) (3x-2), where x = 2; the gods help

6X ((x ^ 2) - x + 1) - (2x + 3) (3x-2), = 6x-6x + 6-6x-5x + 6 = - 11x-12 ∵ x = 2 ∵ original formula = - 11 × 2-12 = - 22-12 = - 34

Calculation: 12 - (12-14) - (14-18) - -(1512-11024).

Original formula = 12 - (12-14) - (14-18) - -(1512-11024)=12-12+14-14… +11024=11024.

256 √ [(2 + 1) (2 ^ 2 + 1) (2 ^ 4 + 1) (2 ^ 8 + 1)... (2 ^ 256 + 1)] calculation
RT grade two mathematics
I mean, 256 roots... How to say it? For example, cube root, square root, here is 256 roots... Quick... We'll offer a reward before 9:30 today

I can't understand the meaning of the front. I can only count the back