45 × (7 / 9 + 4 / 15-3 / 5)

45 × (7 / 9 + 4 / 15-3 / 5)


What are the 101st and 2010 numbers after negative one, negative half, negative three, negative quarter, negative five and negative sixth

The odd number is an integer and the even number is a fraction
The 101 is: - 101
The 2010 is - 1 / 2010

The number of columns is 1, negative half, 5, negative quarter, 9, negative sixth, 13, negative eighth?

The second number is a negative half, the fourth is a negative quarter, and the sixth is a negative sixth
That is to say, the even number is the opposite of its reciprocal, so the number of 2010 is minus one tenth