The volume of a cylinder with equal base and height is larger than that of a cone______ %The volume of a cone is less than that of a cylinder

The volume of a cylinder with equal base and height is larger than that of a cone______ %The volume of a cone is less than that of a cylinder

Because the volume of a cylinder and a cone with equal base and height is three times that of a cone, the volume of a cylinder is more than that of a cone: (3-1) △ 1 = 200%; so the volume of a cone is less than that of a cylinder: (3-1) △ 3 = 2 △ 3, = 23; a: the volume of a cylinder with equal base and height is 200% more than that of a cone, and the volume of a cone is 23% less than that of a cylinder; so the answer is: 200, 23

Cut a cylinder into the largest cone, the volume of the cut part is 36 cubic centimeters, the volume of the cone is______ .

A: the volume of a cone is 18 cubic centimeters. So the answer is: 18 cubic centimeters

Cut a cylinder into the largest cone. The volume cut off is 24 cubic decimeters. What is the volume of the cylinder and the cone?
When a cylinder is cut into the largest cone, the volume to be cut is 24 cubic decimeters. What is the volume of the cylinder and the cone?

The volume cut off is equal to 2 / 3 of the cylinder. And
Cylinder volume: 24 △ 2 / 3 = 36 (cubic decimeter)
Cone volume: 36 * 1 / 3 = 12 (cubic decimeter)