How many square meters is a ton of sand Fine sand 1.4-1.9 (dry) There are also calculation methods and formulas

How many square meters is a ton of sand Fine sand 1.4-1.9 (dry) There are also calculation methods and formulas

The density is as follows (Mechanical Design Manual)
Coarse sand 1.4-1.9
Fine sand 1.4-1.9 (dry)
Fine sand 1.8-2.1 (water content)
How many cubic meters is a ton of sand
About 0.48-0.71 m3

The mass of a pile of 2m * 3 concrete is 4.34 times the cubic kilogram of ten. The density of this pile of concrete is as follows: three fourths of the mass of the remaining concrete is the volume
What is the encryption degree

According to the density calculation formula and related theory of junior high school, P = m / v = (4.34 times the tenth power / 2) kg / m3 = 2.17 times the tenth power / kg / m3, three fourths of the remaining concrete mass = 4.34 times the tenth power / kg * (3 / 4) = 3255kg, volume = 2 * (3 / 4) = 1.5m3, density = mass / volume = 2.17 times the tenth power / kg / m3

How much cubic sand (river sand) and how much cubic stone (centimeter stone) does a cubic concrete need? My question is the cubic drawn by car, not the solid one

About 0.4 square sand and 0.8 square stone