How much does 90 cubic soils weigh

How much does 90 cubic soils weigh

The average density of soft soil is 1.2 x 10 ^ 3 kg / m ^ 3
So 90 cubic meters of soil
M = PV = 90 * 1.2 * 10 ^ 3 * 1m ^ 3 = 108 tons

100 cases of a certain commodity, each of which is 10x20x30cm in size and 30kg in gross weight. If the sea freight standard is m / w (1 cubic meter = 1 freight ton), the carrier will charge the freight according to the weight ton. Why is it wrong?

Isn't that the big calculation, or the weight

Calculation of volume and weight
One steel pipe, height: 305 cm, outer diameter: 252 cm, inner diameter: 245 cm
Calculate its weight
The first floor and the third floor are wrong, and the second floor formula is right

I don't know the density of iron, according to what you usually use
First, calculate the cross-sectional area: ((square of half outer diameter) - (square of half inner diameter) * π = area
Then calculate the volume: volume = sectional area * height
Finally, calculate the weight: weight = volume * density of steel
Pay attention to the same unit conversion