Relationship between magnification of microscope and actual magnification

Relationship between magnification of microscope and actual magnification

Generally speaking, the relationship between the magnification of microscope and the minimum resolution is the effective magnification
The magnification of microscope refers to the magnification of eyepiece multiplied by the magnification of objective lens. Theoretically, the magnification can be arbitrary as long as the magnification of objective lens and eyepiece is large enough. But in fact, due to the limitation of light source wavelength, according to Rayleigh criterion, the resolution can not be less than 1 / 2 of observation wavelength, and the wavelength of visible light is about 400-700nm, The minimum resolution is 200 nm. In fact, the optical microscope can be magnified at most 1000 times (the oil lens can be larger, about 1400 times). It is meaningless to use an optical microscope larger than this, because the image is blurred
The method of using shorter light source is to raise the limit of wavelength of electron microscope

The specific method is as follows: reduce the measured area to K times scale, draw it on a cardboard plate, cut it off and measure its mass as m with a balance, cut another 10 × 10cm2 cardboard with the same mass as m with a balance, then what is the measured area?

The density of the cardboard is ρ = m △ 100hcm3 = m100hg / cm3, the volume of the cardboard after the reduction of the measured land is v = m △ m100hg / cm3 = 100mhmcm3, the area is 100mmcm2, the area of the measured land is 100kmmcm2 = KMM × 10-2m2 answer: the measured area is KMM × 10-2m2

The relationship between lens length and magnification of microscope?
It is helpful for the responder to give an accurate answer

Objective lens, the longer the lens, the greater the magnification
Eyepiece, the longer the lens, the smaller the magnification