The volume of an object is 1 cubic decimeter, the shape of the object must be cube!

The volume of an object is 1 cubic decimeter, the shape of the object must be cube!

The shape of the object is uncertain
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How many cubic decimeters is the volume of a cubic uncovered box with an edge length of 6 decimeters?

6x6x6 = 216 cubic decimeters
A: the volume is 216 cubic decimeters

2.56L=()dm³=()mL, 800mL=()cm³=()dm³, 7.28dm³=()cm³=()L
1.0.8m & sup3;, 2400cm & sup3;, 12dm & sup3;, 2.5L, 1300ml, 9080dm & sup3; from large to small
9 cm & sup3;, 0.12M & sup3;, 3.8L, 800dm & sup3;, 601ml, 0.12ml
This is two questions. Don't make a mistake

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