The volume of water increases by one tenth after ice formation. How many cubic decimeters is the volume of a 143 square decimeter piece of water after ice formation

The volume of water increases by one tenth after ice formation. How many cubic decimeters is the volume of a 143 square decimeter piece of water after ice formation

143 / 11 / 10 = 130 (cubic decimeter)

After water becomes ice, its volume increases by one tenth. What's the volume of 2 cubic decimeters ice into water?

After water becomes ice, its volume increases by one tenth. What's the volume of 2 cubic decimeters ice into water?
The volume is: 2 / (1 + 1 / 10) = 20 / 11 cubic decimeter

A rectangular steel plate is 1.2 meters long, 8 decimeters wide and 1 cm thick. Each cubic decimeter of steel weighs 7.8 kg. How many kg does this steel plate weigh
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1 cm = 0.1 decimeter
1.2 m = 12 decimeters
Volume = 12 × 8 × 0.1 = 9.6 cubic decimeter
Weight = 9.6 × 7.8 = 74.88 kg