A school shot has a volume of 0.52 cubic decimeter and a mass of 4kg. The known density of lead is 11.3x10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter, Is it made of lead?

A school shot has a volume of 0.52 cubic decimeter and a mass of 4kg. The known density of lead is 11.3x10 cubic kilogram per cubic meter, Is it made of lead?

0.52dm & # 179; = 0.00052m & # 179; = 5.2 × 10 negative quartic M & # 179;
ρ = m / v = 4kg / 5.2 × 10 negative fourth power M & # 179; ≈ 7692.30kg/m & # 179; = 7.69x10 third power kg / M & # 179;
∵ 7.69x10 cubic kg / M & # 179; ≠ 11.3x10 cubic kg / M & # 179;
It's not made of lead

A shot put has a mass of 4kg and its volume is 0.5 cubic decimeter. Is it made of lead?

V = 0.5 cubic decimeter = 0.0005 cubic meter
M = 4kg
ρ = 4 kg △ 0.0005 m3 = 8000 kg / m3
According to the density table, the density of lead is 11300 kg / m3, so the shot is not made of lead

Quick, I'm going to hand in my paper in the exam. (a shot put has a mass of 4kg and a physical strength of 0.57cubic decimeter. Is it made of lead? The density of the shot put is 11.3 times 10kg / m3.)

Divide the density of the shot by the mass of the shot. If the number is equal to 0.57, it is shot. If it doesn't wait, it is not. I wish you a smooth exam!