What is the formula and the respective cardinal number for the cubic conversion of stone, wood, oil and water into kilograms? How many kilos does a cubic of granite weigh? The conversion formula is: a cubic of wood? A cubic of gasoline

What is the formula and the respective cardinal number for the cubic conversion of stone, wood, oil and water into kilograms? How many kilos does a cubic of granite weigh? The conversion formula is: a cubic of wood? A cubic of gasoline

Granite 2.7t/m3

How to calculate the weight of wood
If the thick end of a wood is placed on the scale and the thin end is held by hand, the reading of the scale is M1, and then the thin end is placed on the scale and the thick end is held by hand, and the reading of the scale is m2, then the actual mass of the wood is ()
A.(m1+m2)/2 B.m1+m2 C.√(m1+m2) D.2m1m2/(m1+m2)

Let the length of the wood be l, the distance between the center of gravity and the thick end be x, the weight of the wood be p, and the moment at the end of the scale be zero,
The results are as follows: 1; m2l = px
2. M1L = P (L - x} to solve the equations, P = M1 + M2
So the answer should be B

How to calculate the weight of wood

The apparent density (kg / m3) of different wood species is: Sandy wood, red pine, cypress, hemlock, birch, water twig, willow, oak, camphor, Phoebe, nanmu 376 440 588 500 635 686 376 529 610, Quercus acutissima 9