Seven eighths, plus () such fractional units, is equal to the smallest number that is both combined and odd

Seven eighths, plus () such fractional units, is equal to the smallest number that is both combined and odd

Seven eighths, plus (65) such fractional units, is equal to the smallest number that is both composite and odd
The smallest number that is both composite and odd is 9,
The fractional unit of 7 / 8 is 1 / 8, so 7 / 8 + 8 and 1 / 8 = 9

One and three eighths of a fractional unit is one eighth. Adding () such fractional units is the smallest composite number

The sum of small numbers is 4
So add (21) more of these units

Five eighths of a fraction is one eighth. How many more units will make it the smallest sum?

Five eighths of a fractional unit is one eighth. Add (27) such units to make the smallest total
4 = 32 / 8 32-5 = 27